Greetings P.S. 131 Families,
Dear 131 Families,
Welcome to the 2024 – 2025 school year. I hope you had a great summer spending quality time with your family. As your Parent Coordinator, my main goal is to increase family engagement within our school and community. I am here to assist each parent/guardian and student with any questions, concerns or issues that may arise. If I cannot provide an answer to you, I will connect you with someone
who can.
I am here to work in collaboration and facilitate a strong and healthy partnership between all stakeholders (Administration, Teachers, & Parents) in your scholar’s education. My focus is to work with you, building a strong and healthy partnership, leading to a successful educational career for your child(ren). Family engagement is crucial for a child’s academic success. I am committed to creating a welcoming environment and encouraging all families to become active participants in their child’s academic journey.
In the coming months, I will facilitate monthly workshops geared toward self-care and social emotional well-being as well as many other topics of importance. These workshops will be held either in-person or virtually. Through this collaboration, we can establish a pathway for clear and consistent communication. An increased level of communication will result in improved academic success.
Also, it is important to have your NYC Schools Account set up. Contact me for your unique account creation code. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, or concerns. I look forward to collaborating with you either by email, phone, or in-person.
Office: 718-480-2840 ext. 1293
Cell (7:30am-3:30pm): 347-902-6015
Work Email:
Instagram: Parent Corner
Parent Corner Google Drive: Parent Corner
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